Futures Mastery Program

Unlock YOUR Creative Potential

Creativity is our guide to envisioning the future. To discover genuine novelty, we must learn to think beyond the familiar, consider the unthinkable, explore the impossible, dance with the unexpected and embrace fresh perspectives. In order to unlock our creative potential, we must learn to ask new questions. Imagination, curiosity, flexibility, and courage lead us past existing constraints, revealing new opportunities.

This Futures Mastery Program equips you with the tools and mindset needed to ideate, innovate, envision long-term futures. It is your ticket and compass to tomorrow.

Training Courses

Boost your creative potential

For makers

This course is designed to unlock your creative confidence by teaching methods, techniques and mindsets crucial during the ideation phase. It will equip you with the tools and mindset needed to generate fresh ideas and evaluate their potential. In the pursuit of creativity, harnessing the sense of possibility is essential, accompanied by curiosity, openness, flexibility, and courage. These skills are crucial in fostering creativity and innovation.

Participants will learn the tools and mindset needed to generate fresh ideas and evaluate their potential. By envisioning different possibilities, you will widen your perspective, uncover fresh potentials, and learn how to identify new business opportunities.

Key topics covered in the course include:

  • Unlocking Creativity Mindset: Develop a mindset that enhances creativity.

  • Ideation: Learn to create new, original and novel ideas.

  • Ideation Tools and Methods: Master techniques to generate and refine ideas.

  • Testing Idea Robustness: Evaluate the strength and potential of your ideas.

  • Preparing Ideas for Management Pitch: Learn how to pitch your ideas effectively to stakeholders.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to explore unconventional solutions, challenge assumptions, create novel solutions to existing and new problems by unleashing their creative potential. The learnings will help you foster a culture of innovation within your organization.

Strategic Long Term thinking

let's talk business

The course on strategic long term thinking will help you move beyond short-term problem-solving and focus on long-term success. It focuses on Futures Literacy and a Futures Mindset. It is designed to equip individuals with the essential skills to effectively navigate uncertainties, recognize opportunities beyond present conditions and long-term futures while empowering participants to envision and create futures that transcend present day’s limitations.

Participants will learn the importance of making forward-looking assumptions, to formulate hypotheses and create visions that serve as guiding principles and testing mechanisms. They will learn how to translate ideas into action in the strategic planning and decision making process.

Key topics covered in the course include:

  • Futures Literacy Skills and Mindset: Understanding futures literacy and cultivating the necessary competencies to proactively shape the future.

  • Reverse Engineering of Time: Learning how to utilize a comprehensive framework for envisioning and planning for future scenarios by looking at the present from the future.

  • Synoptic Futures Model: Exploring various approaches to conceptualizing the future, including the distinction between the Sense of Reality and the Sense of Possibility.

By the end of the course, participants will have gained valuable insights into futures literacy and developed a forward-thinking mindset essential for thriving in dynamic and complex environments and further develop leadership and your strategic thinking abilities.

Future ArcheologY crash course

for visionaries

This course brings creativity, imagination, and the importance of a possibility-oriented mindset for envisioning long-term futures together for those who aspire to shape the future. The course complements traditional foresight methods and trend research. It’s not just about business; it’s about expanding your horizons. Additionally, the course emphasizes using provocation to disrupt old thought patterns and stimulate futures thinking.

Participants will delve into fundamental principles in shaping the world of tomorrow, including thinking in alternative futures, artistic creation and future artifacts, to enhance their anticipatory capabilities for planning ahead in uncertain futures.

Key topics covered in the course include:

  • Futurists Mindset and Methods: Lean how develop wholistic, inclusive and robust futures the enable you and your organization.

  • Power of fiction: Dive into speculative design principles. From prototypes to visualizations, you’ll bring your foresight to life.

  • Future Artefacts: Learn how to create future artifacts that challenge assumptions and help us understand how it would feel to live in such a future. Discover how envisioning alternative futures can set us free from the shackles of the present.

By the program's conclusion, participants will have honed their skills in strategic foresight, enabling them to adeptly navigate the complexities of tomorrow's possibilities and innovate for a desirable future.

Enroll in a transformative journey toward shaping a better tomorrow.

  • Contact me to find out more and to discuss the optimal format for customizing classes to meet your specific requirements. The courses offered here modular and can be mixed or bundeled, depending on your needs.

  • We can co-create your own (e-)learning experiences tailored for your company together.