Collaboration with a Future Archaeologist

Explore. Uncover. Strategize.

In our increasingly complex world, where uncertainty about the future is on the rise, it can lead to a sense of discouragement about what lies ahead. The ability to distinguish what information is relevant to us and to actively embrace the future it is essential for companies to navigate this uncertainty.

Do you seek to understand the diverse range of tools, methodologies, and perspectives essential for shaping the future, to thrive and grow in uncertain times and to build a forward-thinking mindset?

My open and original approach – looking and strategizing from the future to the present – allows for a creative co-exploration of what might be and what futures we aspire to live in.

I have helped many organizations in their strategic planning to prepare for the dynamic contexts of tomorrow through futures research, futures development and futures implementation to make tomorrow and the day after tomorrow tangible and understandable today.

Harness the power of Future Archaeology to explore possible futures and innovative concepts that have the potential to re-Write the story of your business.
  • Build and further develop your future literacy skills to actively prepare for the future.

  • Recognize changes early to take them into account in planning and decision making processes.

  • Explore different perspectives and alternative futures to become resilient and fit for the future.

  • Focus on a positive and open attitude toward what is possible.

  • Think in systems, gain actionable insights and find elegant solutions to complex questions.

  • Understand the limits your own knowledge and perception.

  • Consider the potential consequences and impact on society and the planet.

  • Create strategic plans to efficiently achieve long-term goals in a future-focused way.

in residence

6+ Months

As a resident future archaeologist, I focus on bringing fresh perspectives, being a sparring partner and at times being an uncomfortable advisor. Together, we can explore alternative futures, dissect emerging trends, and develop innovative ideas to shape a new narrative for your business. Additionally, we’ll analyze the implications of newly discovered solutions, identify fresh business opportunities, and explore where to start and what needs to be done.

This type of collaboration aims to shape and sustain long-term planning, positioning your organization in a rapidly evolving future landscape.

Let’s build a
future lab

1-6 Months

In 2014, I founded Y Think Tank, a forward-thinking platform within Switzerland’s largest bank. With a decade of experience in establishing and managing this facility, I have gained valuable insights into the complexities of development, stakeholder alignment, and operating a future laboratory within a corporate context.

I can assist you in establishing and running a hub for future-oriented thinking and experimentation, aimed at enhancing your innovation efforts.

This type of collaboration aims at companies and organizations that are invested in their future.

Future archaeological expedition

1-14 days

Are you curious about what the future might hold? Together we will visit a future archaeological site, where new ideas lie buried in uncharted tomorrows beneath layers of time.

Engage in hands-on fieldwork by excavating future artifacts from grounds rich with possibilities. Together we’ll weave these discoveries into fresh unexpected stories.

This collaborative activity is perfect for fellow time-travelers eager to dust off their imaginations.

My offerings aim to inspire and assist companies during their initial stages or throughout transformative journeys. I am happy to support you with your challenges and eager to help developing a comprehensive and contextual understanding of the future landscape.